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STEM Guide
I received an email this morning from the founder of Discover Data Science. Please see below for a description of a STEM guide they have available.

The National Research Council has shown that early exposure to STEM positively impacts the entire spectrum of children’s growth and development. Despite this research, early childhood programs are often lacking the funding and appropriate resources to give children the exposure they need to meet their full potential. For this reason, it is critical for parents to take an active role in ensuring children are given as much exposure to STEM related activities as possible. This was the motivation for our team to put together this guide. Below you will find links to great resources broken out by age group (K-5 & 6-12), as well as by subject (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math). The guide also features sites covering camps for teens along with STEM contests. Finally we dedicated a section to sites with a specific focus on Girls who continue to be underrepresented in STEM careers.

Learn more at https://www.discoverdatascience.org/reso...tem-guide/
Tyler Clark

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