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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

5.2.1 Using Mindfulness to Enhance Wellbeing for Gifted Students

Gifted students’ ability to respond to stimuli that may not be perceived by average children cause them to have qualitatively different life experiences (Piechowski, 2006). These differences may result in stress and anxiety that lead to explosive behavior or depression further distancing them from others (Cross & Cross, 2015). Providing students with tools to help relieve stress and regain equilibrium is important. This presentation provides findings from a qualitative case study of a K-8 school for gifted students that incorporates daily mindfulness techniques to provide students with such skills. Parent and teacher interviews provide perspectives on the effect of practicing mindfulness on students’ behavior in the class and at home. Observations of students before, during, and after practicing mindfulness allowed the researcher to notice the immediate influences. Themes were discovered that focused on how mindfulness allowed students to be more receptive to instruction and how practicing mindfulness reduced emotional melt-downs and allowed for faster recovery when melt-downs occurred. Attendees will learn the research between mindfulness and intense gifted individuals (Szymanski, 2018). Armed with this knowledge, attendees will also learn and practice basic mindfulness techniques. Finally discussions will center on how to introduce others to mindfulness in a non-threatening way and how to enhance instructional time by taking breaks for mindfulness practices.


Antonia Szymanski
Western Kentucky University
United States


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