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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »
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5.3.1 Applied Improvisation in the Classroom

Get ready to laugh and have fun while learning powerful strategies to help your gifted students K-12 prepare for college, career, and life! Applied Improvisation is an effective way to get students engaged with the material they need to learn and make connections with peers and the world at large. Drawing from modern-day research and psychology, this interactive, evidence-based approach supports academic performance through social-emotional learning, metacognition, and executive functioning. Improvisation is an unpredictable adventure that involves interacting with others; it requires participants to practice listening, apply social-emotional behaviors, develop flexibility in thinking and increase a growth mindset. In this interactive session, participants will learn hands-on how to effectively implement Applied Improvisation strategies in three to ten minutes and the ease of embedding them into core content areas, confidence in presenting and social awareness. These activities offer opportunities for your students to use their whole bodies in the process of learning, increase physical and mental health and improve communication skills. Each application is infused with joy, laughter, and fun. Laughter and joy reduce stress, increases muscle tone and builds strong immune systems, which can result in healthy brains and bodies. Applied Improvisation’s foundation of “Yes, and” invites students to demonstrate what they are learning in a low-risk environment while supporting partners, communicating one’s needs, and finding creative solutions to problems as they arise. Your takeaway from this session will be powerful tools that require little to no preparation or classroom set up, giving your gifted students strategies to prepare them for college, career, life and a world of possibilities.


Christiana Frank
KidScape Productions
United States


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