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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

3.8.8 Sports Talents Psychosocial Development: Periodized Psychological Assessment Contributions

Psychosocial factors play a key role in the manifestation of talent, from skill development to eminence in performance (Dixson, Worrell, Olszewski-Kubilius & Subotnik, 2016). Although talent studies have not always discussed sporting skills as direct observation variables, advances in the field indicate promising approaches to research the subject. For example, Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius and Worrell (2011) point out five psychosocial variables that can facilitate or hinder the development of high skills in any domain: motivation, use of opportunities, productive mindsets, psychological strength and social skills. Studies in the area of ​​sports psychology have been recording the effectiveness of psychological interventions that contribute to the psychosocial development of high-performance athletes (Lim, 2016). Pointing out that with individual progress, in any domain, the level of competitiveness tends to increase, and the skill level becomes less differentiating than the psychological preparation (Dixon et al., 2016), studies suggest that gifted and talented specialists seek knowledge in the methods of sports psychology, which might impact in the development of psychosocial factors, such as psychological strength, incorporating these methods in the preparation of talented people of different areas, such as the academic field. However, there is a shortage of records of psychological skills training programs, implemented by psychologists, in the trajectories of eminent professionals from non-academic areas, such as sports, translated into replicable methodologies. (Subotnik et al., 2011). Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the effects of a periodized psychological skills training program on two olympic champions. Through discourse analyses, athlete’s perceptions were investigated, searching to understand the psychosocial impact of psychological interventions. Highlighted, as results, the psychosocial development during athlete's life trajectories, and the potentialized effects of periodized interventions usage on the development of technical, tactical and emotional abilities. These results reinforce the adequacy of such programs and their contributions to eminent athlete`s (and other domains individuals) instrumentalization.


Luis Ferreira
University of Brasilia

Denise Fleith
University of Brasilia

Fabrizio Veloso
Clinical Psychologist in São Paulo


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