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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

2.3.3 Cancelled

Spiritually gifted children’s experiences, viewpoints and ethics have such strength and gravity that other individuals may avoid or ridicule them for their mysterious philosophical traits and knowledge. it is common for these children to be cognizant of majestic synchronicity, an Order beyond her/himself, and connections among all peoples and things. They are guiding lights of inner peace and compassion to those who will listen.

While being spiritually gifted is of paramount importance to the individual, they often hide their mystical awareness and insights due to their fear of harsh reprimands and misunderstandings. They yearn for empathy, closeness and meaningful relationships but rarely do they receive such acceptance. The objective of this session is for participants to learn the vastly different inner world and outer manifestations of being spiritually gifted, including their wisdom, array of transpersonal experiences, subsequent blessings and struggles, and how to nurture and protect these sensitive children.


This session has been cancelled

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