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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

5.2.2 Mindfulness as a Changemaker for Global Peace: Gifted Children & Youth Involved

Gifted children and youth are often characterized by their sensitivity, intensity, and compassion for others. This intense concern propels them to seek avenues for helping others. If they feel unable to be of service, they may experience stress, anxiety, and inner turmoil while longing for a sense of calm and well-=being (Silverman, 2013; Sisk and & Kane,2018). Gifted students' concerns about others in the world need to be honored and encouraged. Mindfulness is both an ancient and contemporary practice that now has support as an evidence-based neurological practice that serves as a coping mechanism for reducing stress and anxiety and promoting peace. Students learning specific mindfulness techniques has the added benefit of enhancing self-awareness, strengthening self-regulation, and developing well-being, particularly for those who are gifted. Mindfulness strategies are cost effective, unobtrusive, portable and immediate. Additionally incorporating mindfulness as a personal practice at home and at school can provide a sense of fulfillment for those gifted students who feel they have no control over global concerns. Specifically, compassionate mindfulness practices have been developed for conveying peace around the globe. Being able to assist others from a distance can strengthen personal kindness and care and cultivate a sense of self as an agent of change. The goals for this session are to provide specific mindfulness practices combined with practical suggestions for home and school to develop inner awareness and global loving-kindness. This interactive presentation will provide participants an opportunity to experience some mindfulness practices and explore examples of gifted children and youth making a difference.


Dorothy Sisk
Lamar University
United States


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