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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »
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3.9.3 Validation of SCAT from CTY in Catalan and Spanish Language from Primary to High Schoolers

The “Javier Berché’s Foundation in Barcelona” has a limited license from the Center for Talented Youth of the Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore, having made a first validation of the test in 2003. Based on the current collaboration agreement between both entities. The Centre has the license of use within the Spanish territory of the tests School and College Abilities test (SCAT) in the Spanish and Catalan languages. The fact that the tool can be used in a bilingual system provides more accurate results in those students who do not manage one language perfectly and it can reduce the effect of the linguistic inferences. Since its application in all its levels and forms, the SCAT has been a very effective tool used to identify verbal, quantitative and global academic talents, since when applied at the top-level it allows us to find the intellectual ceiling of the student. The test is focused on detecting learning skills or abilities, NOT content. Its objective is to reveal these skills NOT detectable with standardized tests so we can emphasize that SCAT is a psychological and educational tool suitable for its detection. Based on its structure and characteristics, you can detect 3different levels of students who are all evaluated as gifted. The pedagogical measures to be used are different than if you are not seeking to identify high mental ability: A 20% of the students have an appropriate academic challenge within their grade. In these cases the schools have a chance to keep motivating the student in the same characteristic as the other students in the class. 50% are required for an enrichment measures that must be attended either in special summer courses or with online programs. Finally a higher level of 20-25% require summer or online programs in accelerated subjects or topics (may in online format or extra courses). The study presented here is a new validation of the test in Spain, with a measure of gifted students at an above-level level of 3 years above their academic level. Currently in the Center for Talented Youth is working with another series of the test with 55 questions in both verbal and quantitative and 22 minutes each, at an above level of 4 years above (search for students of 20% more high), and / or at the above level of 2 years, to search for the 50% group that require enrichment measures.


Carla Duran Garcia
Blanquerna University

Xavier Berché Cruz
Fundació Privada Javier Berché


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