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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

4.6.1 T2i: Talent, Intelligence, Innovation: Experimental protocol for STEAM profiles

Talent intelligence innovation

T2i identifies, through its innovative approach, students with high potential in STEM / STEAM strategic intelligence profile and who also show a superior capacity for innovation, interests, motivation and grit. T2i meets the needs and realities of public education systems:

-Minimal budgetary and professional investment -Fast access to results -Quick group testing execution

T2i is based on actual and future economic developments with specific orientations in STEM and STEAM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering (Art) and Mathematics) priority field types.

T2i readily adapts as it counterbalances ethnic, linguistic, cultural and gender biases. It modulates to students’ social economic situations as well as those already clinically diagnosed. Combining the weighting of standard assessments with selected scientific predictors makes the T2i unique.

The original query was to discover if it were possible to create one STEM identification protocol able to evaluate the “success potential” while avoiding above mentioned biases loopholes and still use existing sub-tests and tests.

275 students from 3 different social-economic levels (low, medium and high) were evaluated using scientifically renowned sub-tests and tests. The full T2i was administrated to 110 students then to 60 students.

Many evaluations criteria are taken into account: intelligence, creativity, « non-cognitives » abilities, school success, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status and clinical diagnosis. Finally, a different calibration was given to the various sub-tests and tests according to the student’s individual profile.

Equitability for all students in obtaining services and in being integrated in STEAM potential giftedness programs regardless is currently an international key challenge.


Andrée Therrien
CISSS des Laurentides


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