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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

4.1.10 Strategies for Supporting Students Who are 2E

This presentation will focus on the research and practical strategies for meeting the needs of students with twice-exceptionalities (2E) in the regular education classroom. Although research on 2E students has increased in the past three decades, it has not necessarily translated into their needs being successfully met in schools in the United States. There continues to be a lack of consensus on both the needs and the characteristics of 2E students as well as limited understanding of the most effective strategies for teaching these students. This presentation will identify and explain evidence-based strategies that teachers and administrators should consider when supporting and instructing 2E students in elementary, middle, and secondary schools. These strategies include emphasizing the strengths first, addressing the needs, recognizing the difference between 2E students and gifted underachievers, supporting the social and emotional needs, and building collaboration and communication to provide optimal support for the 2E students. Specific examples will also be provided that can immediately be implemented in the classroom. Additionally, this presentation will share the results of a recent study co-authored by the lead presenter that examined how effectively colleges and universities in a large state in the United States known for teacher preparation is providing training for pre-service teachers in meeting the needs of 2E students. The results of this study indicate that pre-service teachers are not adequately prepared to meet the needs of students who are twice-exceptional, which is reflected in the limited understanding of the most effective strategies for classroom implementation.


Charlton Wolfgang
Millersville University
United States

Richard Mehrenberg
Millersville University
United States


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