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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

3.9.2 Science Olympiads: Talents Search and Nurturance

Since 2011, over 97K students had been identified as gifted students in Saudi Arabia through The National Project for Gifted Identification Project Led by Mawhiba in partnership with The National Assessment Center “Qiyas” and Ministry of Education. A very space and open system is being implemented in talent search yearly through Mawhiba Portal whereby students across the nation can nominate themselves, or being nominated by teachers or parents using a nomination scale. Then two options of assessments are being offered: test based and/or performance bases. Mawhiba Multiple Cognitive Ability Test, is a comprehensive intelligence and creativity battery which includes: verbal reasoning, mathematical reasoning, cognitive flexibility, For 3rd, 6th, & 9th grades. The performance based assessment option focuses on students (grade 7th to 10th) participation in scientific contests and compete at various levels: local schools, to regional schools, to national level. Then a number of students are selected to participate in international competitions. Based on the level of students potential of giftedness, students are placed in various educational alternatives including schools, enrichments programs, competitions, and/or excellence program.

International Olympiads are worldwide annual international competitions held for more than 50 years, aimed at nurturing high school students potential and hosted by one of the 100 participating countries. Most prestigious universities around the globe look forward to enrolling students who participate in such competitions which are considered as arena for identifying future scientists. Subjects including Math, Science, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Informatics engage thousands of students each year in Saudi Arabia. Through the years, the attention has spread to highlight the Saudi scientific literacy rankings on International Olympiads. Since 2010, the Kingdom has been awarded 246 international medals and 58 appreciation certificates. As a result, SA attained the second place in the International Olympiads in 2018. Mawhiba studied the effect of International Olympiads participation on the students’ Standard Achievement Admission Test ‎(SAAT). The purpose of the study was to determine participants’ perceptions of Science Olympiad and its relationship with academic achievement. Data was collected through The National Project for Gifted Identification. It included 51 male and female students who gained International recognition. The findings of the study indicated that the participants gained a higher level of academic achievement in SAAT. It also showed the positive effect of the International Olympiads and how they provide a competitive environment which challenges the students' interests and abilities, and encourages their learning and self-development.


Amaal Alhazzaa
King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity "Mawhiba"
Saudi Arabia


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