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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

2.2.9 Female Talent Development in the 21st Century: A Brazilian Online Counseling Program for Graduate Students

The limited knowledge about the process of talent development, especially in women, has been reflected in the lack of preparation of professionals and in the lack of services that may favor the strengthening of this group. This investigation sought to advance in this direction and consisted in the design, implementation and evaluation of an online talent development program for Brazilian academic females through an intervention-research. The study analyzed the participants’ perception about the influence of the program on the identification of its potentialities and the internal and external aspects associated with talent development. The program was composed of seven weekly sessions and took place in a virtual learning environment within an educational platform. Thus, through technology, it was possible to share contents safely and interact with participants in different geographic locations. A discussion group was also set up and served as social network and support between participants. Each session reflected on a theme and included assignments of homework with practical activities aimed to promote awareness on the factors affecting the participants talent development process. Three synchronous online meetings happen in order to have a live experience and reinforce an affective learning. The program positively met the expectations of the members which contributed to the high level of satisfaction informed in the end. Self-knowledge, interaction between participants and sharing experiences were considered significant factors in their talent development processes. This result evidenced the importance of the social support network, but also suggests that digital interactions can offer benefits and are a potential resource for self-knowledge and the promotion of talent on a broad scale. This research sought to integrate theory, research and practice and to broaden the understanding of the process of female talent development, as well as offer subsidies to innovative projects and actions that offer conditions to identify and express their potential. The results will also give visibility to the area of talent and giftedness as a legitimate field of research and practice in counseling psychology.


Renata Muniz Prado

Denise Fleith
University of Brasiliá


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