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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

4.4.6 Global Competencies for P-20 Gifted Learners

Gifted learners in P-20 settings need more than required curricula experiences to form competencies needed to develop responsible global citizenry. This professional learning workshop guides P-20 educators through a research literature to identify, implement, and evaluate key global competencies in elementary, secondary and higher education settings using a hierarchical conceptual model. This structure proposes successively complex and intense layers beginning with project-based learning at the classroom level, advancing to essential skill development, integrating short-term immersion experiences, networking through international professional organization networking, and culminating in personalized research trajectories. Participants examine global competency literature to develop philosophy statements as the basis for global competency experiences, examine issues in global competency education, plan instructional practices, and formulate individualized research agendas in professional settings. The parallel session provides a standards-based professional learning experience designed to widen and deepen global perspectives to P-20 gifted educators and faculty in higher education and to enhance their appreciation of diverse people groups. Organized around the classroom (international studies in the classroom), leadership (Study Abroad), academics (second language learning), research (Fulbright Exchange) and professionalism (organizations and conferences), the session examines a spectrum of experiences and opportunities for P-20 educators. More than a resource of international travel opportunities, the session provides a standards-based rationale and framework on globalization for professionals including gifted facilitators, counselors, psychologists and administrators in both K-12 schools and higher education. By embedding its purpose and benefits in professional development experiences, the session on globalization provides diverse perspectives, plan program implementation and enriches the network potential of its participants. The presenters suggests short and long-range professional goals to guide practices, conceptual pitfalls to avoid and resources needed to achieve global competencies. Both presenters bring extensive professional background experiences including advanced second language skills, research studies in giftedness and creativity, international professional conference presentations in multiple countries, professional membership in international organizations and publication in international journals. Attendees will receive a plethora of resources and suggestions to integrate global studies into P-20 classrooms for gifted learners.


Connie Phelps
Emporia State University
United States

Louise Reid
RCMA Immokalee Community School
United States


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