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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

4.7.8 Imagine the Possibilities: Transform Math Instruction Using Strategies from Mentoring Mathematical Minds

In this session, participants will learn instructional strategies that support advanced learners’ needs, and provide rigor for all, by using components of the Mentoring Mathematical Minds (M³) curriculum. Presenters will share the strategies used in the research-based curriculum, Mentoring Mathematical Minds (M³), and how these strategies can be intentionally used in any math lesson to meet the unique needs of gifted learners. Through modeling of the M³ format, Initiate, Investigate, and Communicate, and specific teaching strategies, participants will explore ways to dig deeper into the content, providing depth and complexity within the participant’s core curriculum. When used effectively in the classroom, these strategies encourage student discourse, provide challenge, extend thinking, clarify understanding and provide a platform for students to take an academic risk while having their unique needs met. Participants will leave with examples of how to immediately apply these strategies in their own programming.


Angela Wakshul
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
United States

Jo-Ann Shields
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
United States


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