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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

5.7.2 Powerful Strategies to Enhance the Learning of Gifted Students

This workshop, which is based on skills learned as a group while solving word stories, will provide educators with tools they can use to improve students’ critical thinking abilities while strengthening their ability to persevere to solve problems and strengthen their social interactions. Students will need to pay attention to “Key Ideas and Details” when attempting to solve the questions posed by the stories. They will practice “Integration of Knowledge and Ideas” as they work together as a group to solve the question posed through the story. Their “Comprehension and Collaboration” skills will be strengthened as each student listens carefully to both the questions posed and the answers provided. They will practice “Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas” as they suggest answers to questions and when they declare that they have solved the puzzle and orally present their solution. “Knowledge of Language” is a key element in processing the information gleaned though the group processes involved in attempting to arrive at the correct solution to the challenging question posed to the group. Growth will be evident as students learn how to hone their thought processes and ask more pointed, thoughtful questions in pursuit of the solution.


Nathan Levy
Nathan Levy Books LLC
United States


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