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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Parallel Session Proceedings »

5.4.1 Trauma and the Gifted Brain

Art heals. Artists know this. Moreover, scientists recognize and report on the importance of art as a medium for healing (Bolwerk, Mack-Andrick, Lang, Dörfler, & Maihöfner, 2014). However, few studies focus on the unique experiences of gifted artists, people with identified I.Q. > 130, trauma, including catastrophic health issues, and the interplay of giftedness and art on the healing process. While examples of famous people that persevered over singular trauma exist (Chuck Close, Mariam Pare) it is rare to study a person who experience several severe health issues. In 2014, one person, an artist, faced a trifecta of catastrophic health issues including two strokes, a heart attack, and cancer. Anyone of these issues would be enough to challenge a person and expand their capacities for resilience. Having all three happen within the span of twelve months and surviving them speak to a person with a unique personal strength and perseverance. Throughout that time the subject clung to art as a way to maintain equilibrium, channel energy, and ultimately reprogram and heal the brain. Examining the health and recovery through the lense of a gifted artist will paint a picture of the important role that art plays in brain development as well as the healing process.


Maria Katsaros-Molzahn
Oregon School District
United States


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