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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.8.1 On Identifying as a Gifted Adult: An International Focus Group Study

Interest in understanding giftedness in adults is growing, and research is now emerging internationally in a number of different disciplines, each with its own investigative questions and objectives. Unfortunately efforts to gain knowledge about this population are hampered by fuzzy conceptual and operational definitions of giftedness.

This new study explores how adults who self-identify as gifted define and experience their giftedness, and what they feel needs to be better understood about gifted adults. The overall purpose of this research is to contribute the voice of gifted adults to key conversations emerging within the study of that population. Specifically, the research questions are:

1. What criteria do gifted adults use to self-identify as being gifted? 2. How do adults who self-identify as being gifted experience their giftedness? 3. What do these gifted adults believe are the priorities for study and research in the field of adult giftedness?

Five online multinational focus groups were used to gather qualitative data. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The results of the interactive focus groups provide valuable insight into individual differences, similarities, disagreements and shared meaning.

This focus group study is unusual in the field of gifted adults - it does not focus on eminent individuals, nor is it reliant on pooled data from those with high IQ, such as members of MENSA. As such, the methodology reflects the more current understandings of giftedness as being multi-dimensional and not necessarily predictive of high achievement or eminence.


Maggie Brown
University of Auckland
New Zealand


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