Developing the Future of Gifted Education

2021 Virtual World Conference
July 31 - August 1 & August 7 - 8

Developing the Future of Gifted Education

2021 Virtual WCGTC World Conference
July 31 - August 1 & August 7 - 8, 2021

As the pandemic continues to bring uncertainty to place-based meetings in the near future, the WCGTC® Executive Committee has unanimously voted to transition the 2021 World Conference to a virtual format. While we certainly wish we could still meet together, we think it is important to ensure the safety of our conference attendees while still offering an opportunity to connect with others interested in the development of gifted individuals. This virtual conference will be historic as a first for the WCGTC®. We are beginning to plan and will share details as they are available. During our planning process, we hope that you will provide input so we can develop a conference that continues to address the needs of our attendees. Thank you for your dedication to the WCGTC® and to gifted individuals around the world.

About the World Conference

The conference will focus on the theme of Developing the Future of Gifted Education. The World Conference is a great opportunity for researchers, educators, psychologists, parents, and other stakeholders to gather from around the globe to discuss the vital matters, issues, and concerns that impact the field of gifted education and gifted and talented children. The World Conference will be hosted by the WCGTC® Headquarters. Learn more about the WCGTC® Executive Committee here.

Agenda Sponsor
Keynote Sponsors
Panel Discussion Sponsors
Being in such an environment opened new horizons in my life. Carrying the attainments to my country, applying new strategies on what could be done for new studies, and how we can do beneficial research for our schools and these special children. This gave new perspectives on available opportunities.
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