Developing the Future of Gifted Education

2021 Virtual World Conference
July 31 - August 1 & August 7 - 8

Concurrent Sessions and Panel Discussions

Concurrent sessions and panel discussions will be live/simulive presentations. Each will be recorded for later viewing in case you are unable to attend the live presentation.

Concurrent Sessions

17 #likeaboss: Growing up gifted, talented and female

Eunice Gaerlan-Price, Laidlaw College, New Zealand

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: In the wake of women’s increasing visibility in spaces of leadership across multiple societal spheres, what does it mean for girls today as they negotiate their journey to womanhood? This presentation explores the identity constructions of academically gifted and talented young women against the backdrop of postfeminist sentiment and a highly mediated and networked social landscape. This sociological research study uses the theoretical concepts of Pierre Bourdieu to understand the ways in which social structures interact with gifted and talented teenage girls’ subjective experiences and their identity constructions. Furthermore, this study uniquely engages with the creative research method of collective storying to bring to life in a fictional format the complex lived experiences of gifted and talented girls.


211 20 Years on: The experience of out-of-school programs for precocious children

Lilja Kristinsdóttir, UC SYD, Denmark

Meyvant Þórólfsson, University of Iceland, Iceland

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: In 2001-2004, an out-of-school program for gifted children named “Precocious Children – Proper Assignments” was run in the capital region in Iceland. It featured activities for precocious children aged 10 to 14. Subsequently, a small organization named Ad Astra was founded, offering a similar program in 2007-2011 to children aged 11 to 15. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of such programs. Data collection comprised qualitative data about the development of the programs and, consequently, quantitative data based on questionnaires assigned to participants and others concerned for retrospective examination 20 years after the first program started.


27 A comprehensive look at the new Gifted Rating Scales 2

Angelina Paolozza, MHS, Canada

Mathangi Selvamenan, MHS, Canada

Steven Pfeiffer, United States

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: A critical step in addressing the needs of the gifted is developing an assessment tool that can assist in better serving this special needs population. The need for a valid and reliable assessment tool led to the development of the Gifted Rating Scales Second Edition (GRS 2), a new version of the GRS, the most widely used gifted rating scale in the USA. This presentation introduces the new GRS 2, a teacher and parent rating scale to help identify gifted students. Information will be provided on test development, automated local and national norms, special features, translated forms, and validity data.


43 Adaptation to online learning by Hong Kong families with gifted students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Tze-ho Fung, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE), Hong Kong

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Regular face-to-face classes were cancelled due to COVID-19 in early 2020. Students had to learn alone at home. Thus, it is important to understand students’ learning situations when switching to online mode and the factors associated with their successful experiences or failures. Using the Rough Set Theory approach, the following factors/attributes, in decreasing order of significance, had prominent associations with the efficiency of students’ adaptation to online learning: School Support, Family Support, parental relationship, focused learning skills, time management skills, and parent education. The findings will provide insights for helping students to perform well in online learning.


293 Better together: When parents and professionals organize and advocate collaboratively for gifted children

Alexandra Vuyk, Red de Profesionales en Altas Capacidades / Universidad Catolica Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion, Paraguay

Veronica Dura, FUPAC – Fundacion Paraguaya de Altas Capacidades, Paraguay

Liz Barrios, REDPAC, Red de Profesionales en Altas Capacidades – Paraguay, Paraguay

Maureen Montania, REDPAC, Red de Profesionales en Altas Capacidades – Paraguay, Paraguay

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: In this session, we will describe how collaborative work in two organizations is opening up paths for high-ability individuals in Paraguay, where provisions are incipient and awareness is minimal. A parent advocacy organization that began in 2017 joined with a network of professionals in 2020 to work in a coordinated manner to reach key stakeholders and impact decision makers. We will describe the steps taken including initial meetings with the Ministry of Education and Sciences, first awareness workshops, work conducted in schools as outside professionals, a congressional bill, and meetings for policy advancement, as well as future directions.


313 Beyond academics: essential strategies for parenting and nurturing the whole gifted child

Janette Boazman, University of Dallas/DeBusk Foundation, United States

Michele Kane, Northeastern Illinois University, United States

Tracy Inman, Western Kentucky University, United States

Kathleen Nilles, NAGC, United States

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: Effective parenting and caregiving for the gifted goes beyond the academic needs of individuals. Gifted individuals who reach their full potential have a greater opportunity to thrive and flourish across their lifespan. Realization of full potential includes development of emotional, social, physical, academic, and spiritual identities. Topics in this presentation include Sayler’s model of Gifted and Thriving as one framework for research and holistic development; friendship and character development for gifted; practical approaches and strategies related to parenting; strategies to enhance relationships and the spiritual dimension; resources; and strategies beyond the classroom: the arts, clubs, family, parent groups, and advocacy strategies.


343 Comparative effects of differentiated education on intelligence and academic performance among gifted students

Andrew Almazan Anaya, CEDAT Talent Attention Center, Mexico

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: This longitudinal large-scale comparative research project explored the different cognitive and academic performance outcomes from distinct educational strategies for gifted students in Latin America. Conducted among 1,600 students, it assessed changes in IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) scores over a two-year period when three distinct enriched education strategies for talented were applied. A control group of 400 gifted students remained within a traditional school approach. Statistically significant differences were found in both IQ and SAT scores between the specialized programs and traditional education, with a significant correlation between the number of hours of differentiated programs and positive outcomes on intelligence and academic tests.


84 Considering gifts and talents through an ontological lens: Yolŋu Way, and Australian Aboriginal approach to talent development

Genevieve Thraves, University of New England, Australia

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Giftedness has long been recognized as a cultural construct and as such has been subject to occasional interrogation from an epistemological standpoint. Very little has been written, though, on the ontological implications of differing cultural conceptions of gifts and talents. This presentation will report the results of an Australian study that investigated Yolŋu (an Australian Aboriginal group) views of giftedness, talents, and talent development and will endeavor to frame the study’s findings in terms of Yolŋu ontology.


96 Creating a network of specialist support

Deb Walker, New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education, New Zealand

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: A network of educators with a common interest in improving outcomes for gifted learners can support each other to reach their goals. “For teacher, by teachers” is the mantra used in Networks of Expertise in New Zealand of which Gifted Aotearoa is one. Gifted Aotearoa is an infrastructure of supports designed to appeal to as many educators as possible. Five different “waka” — vehicles — target educators from novice practitioners through to those who need mentoring to lead and support. This presentation covers the establishment, general operation, and benefits seen from using a nationwide model to create connections that bring about change.


253 Designing for choice: Pedagogical and programmatic considerations

Li Yun Grace Koh, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School (Sec), Singapore

Chan Taiping, Joseph, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School (Sec), Singapore

Lee Ruo-ning, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School (Sec), Singapore

Law Huizhen, Sharon, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School (Sec), Singapore

Abstract: In order to align with the 21st-century competencies framework and to further promote self-directed learners, teachers from CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School redesigned part of the curriculum to intentionally encourage student choice of what to and how to learn. With reference to self-determination theory, several lessons from history, chemistry, Chinese language, and project work were redesigned to explore the impact of choice on student attitude towards learning and mastery of the content and skills. The results of teacher observations, assessment of students’ deliverables, and student surveys demonstrated that there was an increase in student motivation towards learning, students being more self-directed in their learning, and confidence in the application of disciplinary skills. The session will share the considerations and steps taken to design a curriculum for greater student choice.


184 Developing and operating a creative leadership program based on design thinking using action research

Jung Kil Park, Soongsil University, South Korea

Ji Young Park, Soongsil University, South Korea

Song Hyun Park, Soongsil University, South Korea

Chanhee Jo, Soongsil University, South Korea

Heera Bae, Soongsil University, South Korea

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: This study was conducted as a field-centered problem-solving study through an action research method. In this study, a creative leadership program for adolescents that combines creativity, design thinking, and leadership was developed; a 60-hour program was operated for sixth graders in elementary school; and developers, instructors, coaches, students, and parents’ perceptions and satisfaction with the program were surveyed. Effective measures for the development and operation of a creative leadership program based on design thinking for youths focused on the field were presented.


2 Does gifted program participation benefit all students equally?

Kristen Stephens, Duke University, United States

William Darity, Jr., Duke University, United States

Malik Henfield, Loyola University Chicago, United States

Madeline Carrig, Duke University, United States

Erica Phillips, Duke University, United States

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: It is often assumed that participation in gifted programs sets students up for future academic opportunity and success, but does gifted program participation benefit all students equally? This current study examines those malleable factors that mediate and/or moderate the effects of gifted program participation among high ability students who have traditionally been underrepresented in such programs. Gifted education policy implications will also be discussed.


139 Exploring twice-exceptionality in Dubai private schools: Awareness, perceptions, current practices, and suggested enhancing educational strategies

Aida Younis, British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: The purpose of this transformative mixed-method study is to explore the awareness and perceptions of policymakers and educators about twice-exceptional students in Dubai’s very good and outstanding private schools. Also, the twice-exceptionality practices of identification and supporting programs are examined. Thus, from a transdisciplinary approach, strategies to improve the education of twice-exceptional students are recommended to policymakers and educators. Findings reveal that policymakers and educators have limited awareness and inadequate perceptions of twice-exceptional students. Based on such findings, recommendations include enhancing awareness, improving perceptions, and setting valid identification and support programs to serve twice-exceptional children.


319 It’s not segregated; it’s simultaneous: Differentiating for the profoundly gifted — *within* a gifted program

Jill Williford Wurman, The Grayson School, United States

Melissa Bilash, The Grayson School, United States

P. Susan Jackson, Daimon Institute for the Highly Gifted Inc., Canada

Kimm Doherty, The Grayson School, United States

Ashley Freeborn, The Grayson School, United States

Derek J. Graves, The Grayson School, United States

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: How can we best feed voracious profoundly gifted (PG) minds within an environment that is already accelerated and offering more complex material? One gifted school offers the intellectual complexity the PG need and the companionship they deserve. This panel will include the school founder; a PG-specialist psychotherapist; the school counselor; and instructors of language arts and advanced mathematics who work with micro-groups or one-on-one with PG students every day. Their decades of combined expertise with PG students, in particular, will offer insight and advice about the day-to-day reality of implementing such a program and will also share information about educational and social-emotional outcomes.


49 Making space for able learners: Cognitive challenge – principles into practice

Ann McCarthy, National Association for Able Children in Education, United Kingdom

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: There is a paucity of research-based evidence on which to build effective provisions for the most able learners, many of whom are often overlooked and underserved. The “Making Space for Able Learners” project reviews, extends and disseminates evidence-based practice in this field. The research utilizes contemporary writing and historic research from both within and beyond the field of education. It focuses on approaches to “cognitive challenge,” what this term means, and its significance to the education of more able pupils. The research closes the evidence gap between theory and practice and is brought to life by highly successful schools.


124 Nurturing affective skills in Hong Kong’s gifted and talented students

Hok Ling Amia Cheung, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, Hong Kong

Jonathan Plucker, Johns Hopkins University, United States

Mary Simonsen, Johns Hopkins University, United States

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Introducing affective education in contexts that emphasize traditional academic skills involves increasing awareness about affective education, providing resources to families of gifted and talented students, and laying the groundwork for integrating affective education into school curricula. Our comprehensive approach to integrating affective skills into educational landscapes is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. This presentation includes an overview of our research-driven approach to nurturing affective skills in gifted and talented students and overcoming contextual challenges as well as providing directions for future affective programming around the world.


44 Preparing educators to review and improve gifted services: A critical best practice

Susan Corwith, Northwestern University, Center for Talent Development, United States

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Effective program evaluations help identify priorities, select appropriate models and strategies, and create coalitions for change and continuous improvement (formative purpose). Since gifted programs are frequently under scrutiny, program evaluation is also useful for gathering and analyzing data that can be used to demonstrate impact and compliance and to measure or benchmark growth over time (summative purpose). This session teaches participants about design principles for multi-faceted evaluations of local gifted services and strategies for engaging stakeholders in standards-based improvement. Success stories, cautionary tales, and common themes from recent reviews from a variety of school sizes and types will be shared.


137 STEAM and programming education for the gifted in a digital makerspace

Ellen Egeland Flø, University of Oslo, Norway

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: During the last years, there has been a growing interest in using makerspaces as an approach to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) education. However, little research has been conducted into how this can be done, particularly for the gifted. This research investigates two interventions to STEAM and programming education, one based on a makerspace approach where students design, program, and make subject-relevant physical artifacts, and the other based on a classical approach where students do not make or program any physical objects. Which of the two interventions, taught through a digital environment (Zoom) due to COVID-19, appears most effective?


108 Talent delayed/talent denied II: Boundary-breaking advocacy

Shelagh Gallagher, Engaged Education, United States

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Henry David Thoreau famously said that “the question is not what you look at but what you see.” Instead of seeing a public hostile towards gifted education, the North Carolina Association for Gifted and Talented decided to see statistics from reports like America Agrees that suggest that the public wants more gifted education, equitably accessible to all gifted students. We went a step further, holding an advocacy conference where people outside gifted education outnumbered those inside the field, in order to build a new advocacy base on behalf of gifted low-income students and gifted students of color.


78 The Gifted speak about the gifted identity, human worth, and self-esteem

Rosemary Keighley,, Australia

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Gifted children attending, and adults who had attended, separate full-time gifted classes were interviewed. They were encouraged to raise topics of their own choosing and speak at length. Interviewees ranged in age from ten to 86 years. Several strong common themes emerged, the child data paralleling the adult data strikingly. This presentation focuses on the gifted identity, human worth, and self-esteem, exploring the inter-relationships that emerged between them as they affected both school and home life and later life. In the words of the subjects, some surprising outcomes from being identified as gifted are revealed, with their suggestions for improvement.


121 Transforming the INVISIBLE to VISIBLE: Developing an inclusive, empowering education for gifted LGBTQ+ students

Alena Treat, Upper Iowa University, United States

Orla Dunne, Centre For Talented Youth, Ireland, Ireland

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: This presentation is a preview of our chapter for Vol. 2 of Introduction to Gifted Education. It begins with a powerful quote by Adrienne Rich that depicts the current inability for G/LGBTQ+ students to thrive in gifted education. Next, nine issues beginning with the letters in INVISIBLE are presented, followed by seven sets of solutions/advice starting with the letters in VISIBLE. Attendees will also receive a starter kit (sample unit, inclusive role play cards, case study, PowerPoint, essential questions, big ideas, discussion questions) to help transform gifted education into an environment in which G/LGBTQ+ students can thrive.


207 Twice-exceptional students who are gifted and have dyslexia: The “canaries in the mine”?

Nancy Young, Nancy Young Educational Consulting, Canada

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: In many schools, students who are intellectually gifted and have dyslexia are at risk of not having their needs met and may not even be identified. These twice-exceptional (2e) students require programming that addresses their intellectual and personal strengths as they are learning to read, spell, and write. Emphasizing kindergarten through grade 3, this session summarizes the research and presents examples of teaching the structure of the English language. Attendees will see why these students may be the “canaries in the mine” that can help us improve reading and writing instruction for all students while providing enrichment opportunities for advanced students.


266 University teaching approaches that provide for gifted education, talent development, and/or creativity

Leonie Kronborg, Monash University, Australia

Barbara A. Kerr, University of Kansas, United States

C. June Maker, University of Arizona, United States

Ann Robinson, University of Arkansas Little Rock, United States

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: A panel of four leading university academic educators who have led different successful programs in gifted education, talent development, and/or creativity at their universities for 20-plus years will each discuss aspects of their teaching programs. Questions will be posed to each panel member and be facilitated by another university educator for teachers of gifted education programs from a different country and context. The diverse approaches to teacher education/professional learning of teachers and psychologists will be discussed in relation to key knowledge areas that were emphasized. Key research that underpinned each of the academic’s approaches to teaching the gifted, talented, and creative will be highlighted.


335 Using the metacognitive cycle to build executive functioning skills in gifted/2e learners

Emily Kircher-Morris, The Neurodiversity Podcast, United States

Type: Concurrent Session

Abstract: Gifted students may struggle with executive functioning skills due to being twice-exceptional or experiencing asynchronous development. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or counselor, this session will help you learn how to empower students to take control of their executive functioning skills by teaching them how to use the Metacognitive Cycle — a process that involves self-monitoring, self-evaluating, and self-regulating.

Panel Discussions

111 A call to action: Supporting equity, diversity, and access for gifted students

Lynette Breedlove, The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science, United States

Tracy Inman, The Center for Gifted Studies, United States

Julia Robert, The Center for Gifted Studies/The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science, United States

Javetta Jones-Roberson, McKinney Independent School District, United States

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: A critical new document created by The Association for the Gifted will be shared that presents a summary of research along with recommended action to address equity and access in gifted education for under-represented students. This issue is critical in the field as we must ensure all high-ability students’ needs are met. This session will enable participants to understand the Excellence Gap in addition to the Achievement Gap; advocate for under-represented populations based on current research; and identify resources to aid in the effort of identifying and serving under-represented students.


48 Beyond global awareness for the gifted: Decolonizing your classroom bookshelves

Rhoda Myra Garces-Bacsal, UAE University, United Arab Emirates

Hala Elhoweris, UAE University, United Arab Emirates

Hind Tuaib Ghufli, UAE University, United Arab Emirates

Najla Sultan Al Owais, UAE University, United Arab Emirates

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: In order to “teach for social justice,” one must first be able to read for social justice. This session will push participants to reimagine the idea of reading as an act of resistance, hope, and transformation by introducing gifted educators to diverse picturebooks that allow spaces for cognitive disequilibrium, leading to the emergence of more pluralistic approaches and transformative pedagogies.


109 Early college entrance programs: A student perspective

Lynette Breedlove, The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science, United States

Julia Roberts, The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science, United States

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: Early college entrance programs give high-ability and gifted students the opportunity to accelerate academically into an environment with extensive opportunities. They also specialize in providing social and emotional support to their students and a community of true peers. The components of early college entrance programs address the whole child’s needs in meaningful ways. Learn about a publicly-funded early college entrance program and hear directly from students about their experiences in this specialized environment. A panel of students will discuss why they chose to attend, the services they were provided, and how the program was meaningful to their development.


77 Gatekeepers in talent development: Deciders of who gets in and who stays out

Frank C. Worrell, University of California, Berkeley, United States

Megan Foley Nicpon, University of Iowa, United States

Steve Portenga, iPerformance Consultants, United States

Steven E. Knotek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States

Franzis Preckel, University of Trier, Germany

Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Center for Talent Development, Northwestern University, United States

Rena Subotnik, American Psychological Association, United States

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: Gatekeepers are individuals who, on their own or within their agencies, decide whether to open doors for candidates or keep them out. Their role in every domain of talent development is acknowledged but wrapped in mystery sufficient to elicit our scholarly exploration. How does one become a gatekeeper? Does the label come with any training? How do gatekeepers operate at different levels of talent development in different domains? This session will introduce the concept of gatekeepers and gatekeeping, present the current state of research and propose ways that members of the audience can gain more insights into this exclusive club.


127 Gifted education programs in schools

Ayesha Umar, Ayesha Umar- Careers and Education Consultancy, Australia

Donna Elizabeth Wright, Bandiana Primary School, Australia

Darryl Ward, Albury High School, Australia

Justin Beckett, Trinity Anglican College, Australia

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: Three Australian school principals come together to discuss gifted education in schools facilitated by a gifted education consultant. The participants include the Australian Principal of the Year Awardee 2020, the Australian Council of Educational Leaders NSW Leadership Awardee 2019, and the biggest regional New South Wales independent school principal (K-12). Join us to learn about the challenges these school leaders have faced in implementing gifted education programs in their schools and how their students have excelled as a consequence of these programs.


86 Identifying the essential tensions in teaching gifted students

Dr. Brian P. Godor, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Dr. Antonia Szymanski, Western Kentucky University, United States

Dr. Laurie Croft, University of Iowa, United States

Dr. Lianne Hoogeveen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: The aim of this panel discussion is to further explore teaching pedagogies for gifted students and to actively engage each participant in this exploration. The central theme, the essential tensions in teaching the gifted, will cover several topics that are at the heart of teaching and inform the day-to-day pedagogical decisions made by teachers, such as excellence vs. equity, coverage vs. self-discovery, and monodisciplinary vs. pluridisciplinary, as well as several other central tensions.


365 Implications of family and personal dimensions on the development of 21st-century skills

Connie Phelps, Emporia State University, United States

Kyung Hwa Lee, Soongsil University, South Korea

Todd Lubart, University of Paris, France

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: This intercultural study investigated the influence of the home environment, parenting style, self-efficacy, personality, and achievement constructs on the development of 21st-century skills. Conducted in three countries, the study invited college students and educators to complete five peer-reviewed measures through an online survey. A goodness of fit model applied to results showed a correlation of measures in the three countries except for parenting style and self-efficacy. This panel discussion addresses each construct with intercultural implications for parents, educators, and mental health professionals who wish to support creative potential, development, and productivity in children, students, and clients.


99 Supporting the social and emotional well-being of gifted students in practice, not just in theory

Madelaine Armstrong Willcocks, New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education, New Zealand

Smruti Pavlov, New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education, New Zealand

Sue Luus, New Zealand

Type: Panel Discussion

Abstract: The New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education’s (NZCGE) curriculum for gifted learners includes a specific content strand entitled Personal Development, aimed at supporting gifted students in gaining an understanding of what it means to be gifted and in building better intra- and interpersonal knowledge. Students who develop greater self-awareness become empowered to take better control of their social and emotional needs. The Centre sees ongoing powerful social and emotional outcomes for the students it works with, and the NZCGE panel is happy to discuss and share aspects of this content with the international gifted education community.
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