Before deciding to bid to host a World Conference, you should review the following guide. For historical information about World Conferences, click here.

To express interest in hosting the next World Conference and receive the official bid guidelines, please email

Site Proposal Criteria

The time period between the submission of an initial bid or proposal to host a WCGTC biennial conference and the hosting of the conference is, generally, four years. This is a long-term commitment for the organizing team. The World Council expects that the individuals from the country making the proposal have knowledge of past conferences and a familiarity with the World Council’s expectations for hosting a world conference.

The Local Conference Chair

  • Will the local conference chairperson be in the same situation or location at the time of the proposed conference?
  • Would a successor be available and willing to carry the proposal through if the current chairperson should, for any reason, have to resign?
  • Will the hosting institution or organization commit itself to be supportive despite any administrative changes that may occur?

Local Support

  • What kind of personnel (numbers and commitment) is available for working on the conference?
  • What are the possibilities for local or national sponsors for funding conference expenditures, such as special events or meal functions, or for items such as program books, badges and bags, proceedings, banners, or pins?
  • What arrangements could be made for incentives to engage an official airline carrier and a hotel?
  • What is the local and regional base from which to draw workers, volunteers, and participants?

Assurance of Support

  • What general impressions are there that the conference proposed will be successful?
  • What experiences have you had in giving a successful conference?
  • What would you predict for attendance at the conference?
  • What steps would you take to promote your site at the conference preceding yours?
The individuals who are submitting a bid must:
  • Gain the cooperation and commitment from a local committee of interested individuals and agencies;
  • Include the World Council delegates and members of the hosting country in the planning;
  • Investigate local facilities;
  • Prepare a conference budget that includes local expenses and shows the anticipated profit for the World Council;
  • Solicit financial support;
  • Consult with the World Council Headquarters for any new or revised procedures; and
  • Consider all of the concerns of hosting a World Council Conference as outlined in the questions below and the requirements and stipulations delineated in the Conference Guidelines.


  • What does the proposed locale have to offer? What does your country have to offer visitors in terms of social and recreational facilities?
  • What extra sites are there for social or recreational events? (This gives you an opportunity to show off your country)
  • What facilities are available in terms of hotels, meeting rooms, and transportation?
  • What are the price ranges for facilities?
  • How accessible is your site, nationally and internationally?


  • Will your commitments allow you to meet the timelines needed?
  • Can you secure time release from your employment commitments?

If you have decided to proceed after considering these questions and your situation, please, contact the WCGTC Headquarters and request the Biennial Conference Planning Guidelines to prepare your proposal. Direct your inquiry to:

Tyler Clark, Executive Administrator
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd, #11030
Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA
Phone: 1-270-745-4123
Fax: 1-270-745-6279


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