World Gifted Newsletter
World Gifted is the official bulletin of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. It contains the latest news and information concerning the organization, its membership, and the international gifted education community. It is published two-three times each year. The available archives date back to 1980.

Gifted and Talented International
Gifted and Talented International (GTI) is the official journal of the World Council. Its purpose is to share current theory, research, and practice in gifted education with its audience of international educators, scholars, researchers, and parents. GTI is refereed by an editorial review board of leading international educators of the gifted. It is published twice a year.
GTI is published electronically and in paper form. A WCGTC membership provides you an electronic subscription, which includes the entire available archive back to 1982. Routledge, a part of the Taylor & Francis Group is the new publisher for GTI. For more information regarding institutional memberships, please contact us at
Global Principles for Professional Learning in Gifted Education
Although we all rely on the contributions of gifted and talented adults, educators worldwide receive little information about how to educate gifted and talented children. The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Global Principles for Professional Learning in Gifted Education are intended to help remedy this pervasive gap in educator preparation by guiding policy and practice in professional learning about gifted education.

The World Council's Annotated Bibliography of Gifted Education (1986)
In 1986, an annotated bibliography was compiled as a resource for members of the WCGTC.