World Conference Sponsorship Form

2025 World Conference Sponsorship Application

To request your spot as an exhibitor or sponsor of the 2023 Virtual WCGTC World Conference, please complete the form below. WCGTC Headquarters will review your application. Sponsor levels are outlined in the sponsorship prospectus. Click here to access the prospectus. If you have any questions, please contact Tyler Clark at

Organization Address(Required)
Contact Person(Required)
Sponsorship Selection (Select all that apply)(Required)
Max. file size: 64 MB.
If accepted for an Exhibitor or Sponsor, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions

  • Unless agreed upon in writing by both the Exhibitor or Sponsor and the WCGTC, these terms and conditions will apply to accepted Exhibitor/Sponsor applications.
  • WCGTC, its committee members, volunteers, staff, and and companies with whom it contracts for Exhibition or Sponsorship are not liable for the actions of the Exhibitor or Sponsor or respective employees with whom it contracts.
  • The Exhibitor or Sponsor must pay the fee within 60 days of the application being accepted.
  • The Exhibitor or Sponsor may not use the WCGTC logo without permission from the WCGTC Headquarters.
  • The Exhibitor or Sponsor agrees that all of its personnel will be fully cognizant of and abide by these regulations and WCGTC staff and volunteers applying them.
  • The Exhibitor’s products or services must be related to and appropriate to the 2025 WCGTC World Conference or to use in gifted education.
  • No personal solicitation or distribution or placement of advertising or complimentary materials outside the Exhibition is allowed, unless previously arranged with the WCGTC.

Cancellation Policy
  • If the Exhibitor or Sponsor cancels on or before April 1, 2025, it will be assessed a service charge of $150. The balance will be refunded to the Exhibitor or Sponsor after the conference has concluded.
  • If the Exhibitor or Sponsor cancels on or before May 1, 2025, it is eligible to receive a reimbursement of 50% of the amount paid. The refund will be processed after the conference has concluded.
  • If the Exhibitor or Sponsor cancels after May 15, 2025, it forfeits the entire fee.
  • Cancellation forfeits all of its complimentary meeting registrations.

Event Organizer